Connect with the Dean of Students
Cal State LA students planning to demonstrate on campus are encouraged to take the following steps:
- Prior to Demonstration: Review Cal State LA policies and clarify policy-related questions with the Office of the Dean of Students at 323-343-3103.
- Develop a Plan: Meet with the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss demonstration logistics and any other pertinent issues to ensure a safe and successful event.
- Designate a student liaison: Notify the Office of the Dean of Students of the person in that role.
Logistics and Safety Considerations
- If planning a demonstration, make a reservation at one of the public forum or limited forum areas at least two business days in advance as outlined in the Cal State LA Addendum.
- For demonstrations in the U-SU Plaza area, call the U-SU Information and Events Services at 323-343-2465.
- For the Main Walkway or limited public forum areas, call the Facilities Use Coordinator at 323-343- 6933.
- If your demonstration is spontaneous, use the public forum areas only. No need to make a reservation.
- Contact the Department of Public Safety at 323-343-3700 with any safety concerns.
- Meet with your members and discuss how they should respond in case they are confronted with offensive speech, behavior, or violence during the demonstration. Do not respond physically, contact the Department of Public Safety.
- Always inform your participants of the university policies.
Free speech is a constitutionally established right that has been consistently upheld by the highest courts in the United States. This means the government, including a public institution such as Cal State LA may not restrict speech, except in limited circumstances.
The California State University (CSU) Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) Policy aims to balance the CSU’s educational mission with the protection of institutional integrity, academic freedom, and the rights of individuals.
The Policy supports free expression while establishing viewpoint neutral restrictions on the timing, manner, and location of expressive activity, including protests and demonstrations, to avoid interference with University operations and to serve other legitimate University interests, including campus safety. It includes enforcement provisions and information concerning consequences for violations.
Choosing to wear a mask or face covering while on university property continues to be allowed. This is a personal choice that may be for a variety of reasons, including religious or health related reasons. Those who choose to wear masks or face coverings who are complying with university policies and applicable laws are permitted to do so.
Anyone who is engaged in activities that are in violation of university policy, including acts of unlawful intimidation or harassment of any person or group, however, will need to provide their identification when asked to do so by a university official, and they may not use a mask or face covering in order to attempt to hide or disguise their identity from the university official. The policy clarifies that no person, while on university property, shall refuse to identify themselves to university officials who are acting in the performance of their duties in situations where it is determined that assistance or intervention is needed. Failure to provide one’s identification in this circumstance is itself a violation of university policy.
CSU will not contact, detain, question, request identification, discipline or arrest an individual on the basis of any Protected Status as defined in the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, suspected immigration status or to discover the Protected Status or immigration status of any individual. This Policy will not be used for any purpose connected with immigration status or enforcement.
Choosing to wear a mask or face covering while on university property continues to be allowed. This is a personal choice that may be for a variety of reasons, including religious or health related reasons. Those who choose to wear masks or face coverings who are complying with university policies and applicable laws are permitted to do so.
Anyone who is engaged in activities that are in violation of university policy, including acts of unlawful intimidation or harassment of any person or group, however, will need to provide their identification when asked to do so by a university official, and they may not use a mask or face covering in order to attempt to hide or disguise their identity from the university official. The policy clarifies that no person, while on university property, shall refuse to identify themselves to university officials who are acting in the performance of their duties in situations where it is determined that assistance or intervention is needed. Failure to provide one’s identification in this circumstance is itself a violation of university policy.
CSU will not contact, detain, question, request identification, discipline or arrest an individual on the basis of any Protected Status as defined in the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, suspected immigration status or to discover the Protected Status or immigration status of any individual. This Policy will not be used for any purpose connected with immigration status or enforcement.
No. The First Amendment protects the right to dissent in many forms, but not civil disobedience. Civil disobedience refers to the refusal to obey laws by violating them. A founding premise for society based on the rule of law and order is to adhere to the laws that are voted into existence.
Students may dissent against policies and political ideas in a number of ways. Such dissent becomes unprotected civil disobedience when, for example, taking over a campus building, materially disrupting classes or events, trespassing, vandalizing, disturbing the peace, or other types of conduct subject to time, place, manner restrictions.
There is no universal or standard definition of “hate speech.” It is a term used colloquially to refer to speech that offends or insults groups based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.
Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, and generally, is not illegal. However, threats of violence and harassment are not protected speech. If there is a finding that these behaviors violate.
For answers to more questions about Time, Place, and Manner and how it relates to your free speech rights on campus, visit: